FREE WHS Management Plan
NSW Owner Builder Course + Project Management Platform - $189 (SAVE up to $2,438) - Limited Time Only!
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FREE WHS Management Plan
your 79 Page whs plan is ready to go!

FREE WHS Management Plan
SAFE RITE has produced a FREE 79 page Work Health & Safety (WHS) Management Plan for owner builders. A WHS Management Plan is legally required for all work over $250,000.
Containing all your site policies, procedures & registers that protects you and ensures your compliance with the national WHS legislation.
Simply complete the prescribed fields and your WHS Plan is ready. DONE!
It’s READY. I’ts FREE. It’s YOURS.
Under clause 292 & 309 of the WHS Regulations, you must have a WHS management plan in place before you start work.
It is a legal requirements for all projects over $250,000
Since 2011, SAFE RITE has produced and provided FREE safety resources (i.e safety documentation and software) to the building and construction sector to help protect all persons onsite, and also to help ensure compliance with WHS legislation. This policy of assisting our clients and developing resources for the wider industry continues.
WHS Plan Features
Roles and Responsibilities
Risk Management Process
Hazard Categories
Hazard Identification
Hazard Reporting
Risk Assessment Matrix
Hierarchy of Control
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
PPE Register
Training Policy
Consultation Policy
Toolbox Talks
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Plant / Equipment Checklists and Registers
Hazardous Substances Register
Dangerous Goods Register
Electrical Equipment Register
Injury and Incident Investigation
Injury Management and Return To Work Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policy
NSW Owner Builder Course + Project Management Platform - $189 (SAVE up to $2,438) - Limited Time Only!
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